General Settings
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This settings block includes general terminal settings that apply to all work areas.
Settings items are divided into categories in the form of drop-down blocks.
IMPORTANT! The architecture of the application is built in such a way that each block has its own settings. Therefore, the general settings have a limited set that applies to the entire application.
Language settings (RU, ENG).
Scale: A resizable scale for the entire application.
Settings of the application glass:
Show midline - the presence of a midpoint line (between the best Bid and the best Ask).
Scrolling step - changeable step for scrolling the glass of applications (mouse wheel).
Spread mode - free - free scrolling of the cup without centering.
Spread mode - floating - when the current asset price (spread) is shifted out of sight or approaching the edge of the screen, the spread is centered.
Spread mode - fixed - the spread is rigidly fixed in the center of the workspace.
"Center spread on mouse leave" - when holding the cursor over the working area of the glass, it is possible to perform any scrolling and analysis, but after moving the cursor out of the glass area, the spread is automatically centered.