Order Book settings (DOM)
For a comfortable Order Book using please set up the necessary parameters.
Last updated
For a comfortable Order Book using please set up the necessary parameters.
Last updated
To apply the settings to the created order book, click on the ️ icon to the left of the Order Book.
Choose the necessary settings.
Settings are applied automatically.
Type PnL в %
The parameter defines the display regime for PnL in % on terminal:
PnL in % is displayed without the leverage consideration
ROE: PnL in % is displayed incorporating the leverage
Offset stop limit orders
Setting the price indent for stop orders. This setting is available for the following types of orders:
Stop order (market / limit)
Stop-loss order (+ Trailing-stop)
Take-profit order (+ Trailing-stop)
Highlight level, step
Underline for set levels
Volume of the first scale
Volume setting of the first scale
Volume of the second scale
Volume setting of the second scale