AI Assistant
Neural network assistant based on ChatGPT
Last updated
Neural network assistant based on ChatGPT
Last updated
All the answers of the AI Assistant are not a financial recommendation!
In the lower left part of the workspace there is a line for working with an AI assistant. Only registered users can use it.
With the help of an assistant, you can easily and quickly find out the answer to most financial questions (see restrictions). However, when making trading decisions, first of all, you should rely on your own knowledge.
The field for working with an AI assistant looks like this:
This field can be enlarged to a convenient size.
AI Assistant is built on finding the most relevant news for your query. Therefore, formulate the question in as much detail as possible and with a large content of keywords. This way the answer will be more relevant.
AI assistant responds in two stages.
Two articles appear on the topic of the question or a related topic. Usually the first article is submitted in the last 2 weeks, the second is more recent. The response is generated only based on articles from the last 2 weeks. If you want to get an answer based on older articles, you can also use an assistant in our Telegram bot:
A complete answer to the question.
The first stage takes up to 5 seconds.
The second stage can take from 5 to 60 seconds.
All the AI assistant's answers are not a financial recommendation! When making investment decisions, you should first of all rely on your own knowledge.
The algorithm of the AI assistant is based on ChatGPT from OpenAI. We are not responsible for OpenAI's use of your dialogues with the AI Assistant for its own purposes.
The AI assistant may give an inaccurate/incorrect answer. Basically, this can happen in the following cases:
a deep question was asked to understand the market situation;
a non-financial question was asked;
a question was asked about a specific value/indicator of the instrument at the current time;
you are trying to continue the dialog of the previous message;
you used slang in the question — for example, "BTD" as a designation for "buy the deep";